Task list is probably the most popular tool for managing tasks. It is simple and effective. Almost any kind of goal or project can be managed and tracked using just a simple task list. Here are some popular ways of approaching tasks:
  • The "1-2-3" method: you schedule 6 tasks from your list for the day, and tag or color-code the one that is important, two that are urgent, and three that are routine.
  • The "Pomodoro" method: you choose one task from the list, open its card, set a timer and start working on it. If you get distracted, just look at the task's card to remind yourself about it.
  • The time-block method: always put all your tasks on the list, even the mundane ones like "Lunch" or "Reading". This way you always know what you are doing with your time.
Your task list can be endless — just write down all the tasks that come up as you go along and schedule them for your free time. But the list can also be limited — say, to one project (e.g. tasks to create and set up a blog) or by time (e.g. planning a trip: the tasks will end when the trip ends). You can get your friends, family and colleagues involved — teamwork is always more productive than working alone. It is up to you to decide how detailed the tasks will be. Some people prefer to create a task list for the next 3 hours of work, while others keep all their goals and dreams on the list. Both methods are quite effective!
It is never a bad idea to start any of your projects with a task list.
Each task is displayed as a separate row or pane in the view. The task always has a name and a checkbox to quickly mark it as completed. The color of the checkbox (or the circle) indicates the current status of the task. If the colour is red, the task has not been completed on time and needs attention. Click on the task name to open its full task card.
The line with the task also shows its due date. You can easily change the date by clicking on it and selecting another day in the calendar that opens.
To the right of the task name you can see a picture of the task's assignee. You can (almost always) change that too: a click on the picture will show the list of the project's team.
If the task has attachments, checklists, descriptions, etc., the corresponding icons will also be displayed here.
The task bar in most views displays icons that show whether the task has additional information or certain special properties:
    There are links or files attached to the task. If you hover the cursor over this icon, the number of attachments will be displayed. If you click this icon, the task card will open on the attachments tab.
    There is a checklist in the task. If you hover the cursor over this icon, the number of items in the checklist will be displayed. If you click this icon, the task card will be opened on the checklist tab.
    The task has a description. If you click this icon, the task card will be opened on the description tab.
    The task is recurring. If you tick such a task in the view as completed, it will be considered as completed only for today.
    There is a chat in the task. The red dot next to this icon means that there are new unread messages.
    There is a chat in the task, but notifications are disabled.
Each task in SAU has a specific indicator that allows you to quickly see the status of the task. The indicators take into account the deadline and the completion of the task. If the deadline for a task is today, the task is not considered overdue. If a future task is completed, it will be highlighted in green and will be considered completed. All indicators are updated on the fly and always show the actual information.
the task is marked as completed.
the task is marked as completed, but the deadline has not yet arrived.
the task is overdue: the due date has arrived, but the task is still not marked as completed.
Tasks that are displayed as red blocks on dashboards or highlighted in red in other views require attention and completion.
In every view, the field for selecting the task's due date and the task's checkbox are highlighted in a certain color: grey, red or green. This color corresponds to the task indicators and shows its current status. Of course, you should pay attention to all tasks marked in red, because they have not been completed on time.
Tasks are displayed in the same order in which they were added to the project. Completed tasks are displayed in the order in which they were completed.
You can change the order of both active and completed tasks. Simply click on the task bar (without hitting the text and buttons) and hold down for 2 seconds, then you will be able to move the task up or down, between columns and groups.
Completed tasks are always moved to the bottom of the task list. They are displayed in order of completion, i.e. the most recently completed tasks are at the top of the list. You can manually move such tasks within the completed list by pressing and holding the task bar for 2 seconds.
If you select "Don't show completed tasks" in the project, you can still view all completed tasks by pressing the "Show completed" button. They will be displayed at the bottom of the list.
A task can be completed with a single click in any view. All you have to do is click on the circle to the left of the task and it will be marked as complete!
The task's completion status can be reversed with a single click. Find a completed task in any view — in a ToDo list, on the Dashboard, through search, etc. Then just click on the check mark to the left of the task and it will become active again!
Set a deadline with a single click. In any view, in the lists on the personal dashboard, even in the search view, you can always quickly pick a due date for a task (or remove it, or change it). To do this, click on the calendar or on the date under the task name and select the desired date from the calendar. You can do it even faster by picking one of the presets: Today, Tomorrow, Next Friday, etc.
You can pick an assignee in two clicks. In any view, you can quickly change the assignee of a task. All you have to do is click on the circle to the right of the task (there may be a user photo there) and select an assignee.
The task can be deleted via the task card or by simply swiping to the left in the project view. Read more about deleting in the Archive and Bin article.
Important: Only the project owner, the task owner or the assignee can delete a task.