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Project card description.
About projects
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When creating a project, you only need to give it a name, but later on you can optionally fill in a number of other fields.
Project name.
This is how the project will be displayed on the projects panel, in the header, in emails, etc.
By default it is the user who created the project, but the owner can be changed. The owner of the project can delete it, archive it, manage and delete its tasks, etc.
These are the users who have access to the project. They can work on the project's tasks, add their own tasks, chat and so on.
Here you can add any extra information about the project.
Default view.
By default every project opens in the list view, but you can change this to any view. For example, if your project is about tracking habits, it can be switched to the tracker view as its default.
Project color.
This setting sets the color of the label in the projects list, and also changes the color of the task creation bar in the project.
Show done tasks in the list.
If you disable this setting, all completed tasks will be automatically hidden from the project. The tasks are not lost or deleted and can still be displayed whenever you need.
Project template.
Any project can be saved as a template that will be available to the project team. You can then quickly create a new project from the template. This is handy if, for example, you often have to create similar work projects or if you want to plan your holidays or weekends out with friends.