Archiving is meant for those projects that have already ended or have lost relevance, but their data — tasks, files, checklists — can still be useful.
Archived project will not be displayed in the projects panel, it's not considered in dashboards and analytics, and no notifications are sent about its tasks. But you can always open, view and restore an archived project.
Archiving and unarchiving can only be done by the project owner. The team can view the list of archived projects and the archive project itself.
Deleting is meant for projects that are unneccessary or were created by mistake. Only the owner can delete a project.
After deletion, the project owner can restore the project with all tasks, team, attachments, etc. within 30 days.
The archive is only available on the web portal from the
Archive menu or through the
Deleted projects are only available on the web portal from the
Bin menu or through the