Help. Step-by-step SAU manual

Help. Step-by-step SAU manual

A step-by-step guide to SAU: from the basics to tips and tricks


Project team

You can work on projects as a team, set tasks, create a workflow on the Board, or you can simply invite friends to support you on an important list of tasks.

Invite anyone to project team

You already know that signing up on SAU is very easy. But it's even easier to get the SAU account through an invitation. Add your friends, colleagues, family, and fellow students simply by email to any project. We will send an invitation letter, and the recipient will only have to come up with a password!

Task assignee

What will increase the project's success probability? Like-minded people! Invite friends and colleagues to your project by email. Build a team. Share your tasks with other members of the project team. There is no need to open a task form; just specify task assignee in the view.


Project team

You can work on projects as a team, set tasks, create a workflow on the Board, or you can simply invite friends to support you on an important list of tasks.


Invite anyone to project team

You already know that signing up on SAU is very easy. But it's even easier to get the SAU account through an invitation. Add your friends, colleagues, family, and fellow students simply by email to any project. We will send an invitation letter, and the recipient will only have to come up with a password!


Task assignee

What will increase the project's success probability? Like-minded people! Invite friends and colleagues to your project by email. Build a team. Share your tasks with other members of the project team. There is no need to open a task form; just specify task assignee in the view.