To use SAU App on your Apple Watch you will need an iPhone.
  • Install SAU App on your iPhone
  • Create or log in to your SAU profile on your iPhone
  • Open the SAU App on your Apple Watch
SAU Apps for iOS
Download SAU App from the App Store. SAU App is available for iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, and Mac.
To create a SAU account, you only need a valid email address.
  1. Open the SAU App and click "Sign up with email"
  2. Enter your email
  3. Enter your password in the "Password" field (minimum six characters)
  4. Confirm your agreement with the privacy policy and terms of service
  5. Click "Continue"
Welcome to SAU!
Authorization is currently only available via email. We are already working on integration with social media and mobile services. To log in to the SAU App with your email:
  1. Open the SAU App and tap "Sign in to SAU"
  2. Enter your email and password
  3. Press "Continue"
It will take a few seconds to download your data from the server.
To check that the SAU App has appeared on your Watch:
  1. Open the Watch App on your iPhone
  2. Scroll through the list of features and apps
  3. Find the SAU App in the "Installed on Apple Watch" section
  4. Tap on it and make sure the "Show App on Apple Watch" option is enabled

SAU on Apple Watch
Now open the SAU App on the phone and the watch. In a few moments, your week's task list will sync to the watch!