Help. Step-by-step SAU manual

Help. Step-by-step SAU manual

A step-by-step guide to SAU: from the basics to tips and tricks

Getting started

Sign up & sign in

It takes a couple of seconds to sign up for SAU, and you only need an email address. You can sign up in SAU applications for iOS and macOS. Your account will be the same for every device. Just try! It is fast and simple.

SAU interface

All you need for your tasks are on your hand. SAU for Apple Watch has logical and simple blocks with the most important info and features to manage your tasks.

Getting started

Sign up & sign in

It takes a couple of seconds to sign up for SAU, and you only need an email address. You can sign up in SAU applications for iOS and macOS. Your account will be the same for every device. Just try! It is fast and simple.

Getting started

SAU interface

All you need for your tasks are on your hand. SAU for Apple Watch has logical and simple blocks with the most important info and features to manage your tasks.