Authorization is currently only available via email. We are already working on integration with social media and mobile services. To log in to the SAU App with your email:
  1. Open the SAU App and tap "Sign in to SAU"
  2. Enter your email and password
  3. Press "Continue"
It will take a few seconds to download your data from the server.
If you forget your password, you can reset it in the app.
  1. Open the app and tap "Sign in to SAU"
  2. Tap "Forgot password"
  3. Enter the email address you used to sign up for SAU
  4. Tap "Send"
  5. We will send an e-mail to this address. Open it and follow the link
  6. The app will automatically ask you to enter a new password. Enter it in the "Password" and "Password again" fields
That's it! Your password has been successfully changed. You can now log into your SAU account.