Help. Step-by-step SAU manual

Help. Step-by-step SAU manual

A step-by-step guide to SAU: from the basics to tips and tricks

Under control

Notifications: email, push, messages

We know how annoying notifications can be… A lot of emails and push messages on the phone. In SAU, you will find a fully customizable list of notifications that you want to receive. We care about you not being distracted.


Any project or task can be found by part of the name or description. The search will find the task even if it has been done a long time ago

Archive and Bin

What is the difference between Archive and Bin? If all the planned tasks were done in the project or list, then the project can be sent to the archive. You still can see archived project's tasks, and can always restore the project. The project can be deleted to the bin only when it is no longer really needed or was created by mistake. You can return the project from the bin within a month


Maybe you want to work with your tasks in Excel? Or maybe you need all your project tasks in your email? Or you want to get all your data from SAU in one JSON-file? No problem! SAU has different export functions!

Change Password

You just need one account for all apps. Don't worry if you forgot your password. Recovery won't take more than a minute.

Under control

Notifications: email, push, messages

We know how annoying notifications can be… A lot of emails and push messages on the phone. In SAU, you will find a fully customizable list of notifications that you want to receive. We care about you not being distracted.

Under control


Any project or task can be found by part of the name or description. The search will find the task even if it has been done a long time ago

Under control

Archive and Bin

What is the difference between Archive and Bin? If all the planned tasks were done in the project or list, then the project can be sent to the archive. You still can see archived project's tasks, and can always restore the project. The project can be deleted to the bin only when it is no longer really needed or was created by mistake. You can return the project from the bin within a month

Under control


Maybe you want to work with your tasks in Excel? Or maybe you need all your project tasks in your email? Or you want to get all your data from SAU in one JSON-file? No problem! SAU has different export functions!

Under control

Change Password

You just need one account for all apps. Don't worry if you forgot your password. Recovery won't take more than a minute.