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I don't remember my password. How can I get it or change it?
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Try to choose another one
If you don't remember your password, no problem! You can easily change it.
Go to the
password page
in SAU
Enter the email you used when signed up to SAU
Click Send
We will send a letter to this email. Please open the letter and follow the link
On the opened page, enter a new password and repeat it
That's it! Password will has been changed successfully. Now you can
sign to your SAU account
If you forget your password, you can reset it in the app.
Open the app and tap "Sign in to SAU"
Tap "Forgot password"
Enter the email address you used to sign up for SAU
Tap "Send"
We will send an e-mail to this address. Open it and follow the link
The app will automatically ask you to enter a new password. Enter it in the "Password" and "Password again" fields
That's it! Your password has been successfully changed. You can now log into your SAU account.