Email notifications
SAU sends you a digest of your most important tasks to the email address provided during registration. If you want to change the email address to receive notifications, please contact support.
Some emails are sent daily (if there are applicable tasks) and some are sent once a week (e.g. Weekly dashboard). The emails contain lists of tasks for specific topics.
  • My tasks for today
    (Every morning) List of tasks that were assigned to you and are due today
  • Done tasks today
    (Every evening) List of tasks you have completed today
  • My overdue tasks
    (Tuesdays) Tasks that were assigned to you that are overdue
  • My new tasks
    (Every 2 hours) Tasks that were created or assigned to you in the last 2 hours
  • Tasks by me: overdue
    (Thursdays) A list of overdue tasks that you have created but aren't assigned to you
  • Weekly dashboard
    (Fridays) An analysis of the past week: how many tasks were scheduled, how many were completed, how many are overdue. Forecast of tasks for the upcoming week
You can choose the language of SAU emails. By default, SAU put the language of your browser, but it can be changed.
  1. Open the project sidebar and click on your photo (image)
  2. Select "Profile"
  3. Click the tab
  4. The current language is displayed in the "Mail content language" field
  5. Now you can choose Russian or English
  6. Select mails that you want to receive
  7. Click "Save" after editing
By default, the users are subscribed to all email categories. To edit your settings for receiving emails:
  1. Open the projects panel and click on your profile picture
  2. Go to Settings
  3. The "E-mail" section with your newsletter subscription settings will appear at the bottom of the screen
  4. Turn the email categories on or off as you wish